Pmgdisha New Typing Paragraph 2020

PMGDISHA New Typing Paragraph By👉Technicl Vikram

Pmgdisha New Typing Paragraph 2020

1👉Pardhan Mantri Gramin digital Saksharta Abhiyan is the scheme to make six crore person in rural areas. The scheme world empower the citizens in rural areas by training team to operate computer or digital access device, send and receive e-mail, browser internet, access government service, search for information,undertake  digital payment etc. and hence enable them to use the information technology and the related applications.

2👉Tablets are smaller, lighter and more manageable variants of computers. They are wireless and portable devices that make use of 'touch' as input to access or process information. Tablets include operating systems that provide a GUI and can run applications. The most popular operating systems of tablets are Android Windows or iOS.

3👉Speaker is an output device through which we hear sound. Without a speaker you will not be able to listen to music, hear an audio content, etc. Headphones give sound output from the computer. They are similar to speakers except that they are worn on the ears.

4👉The aim of this project is enron and impart digital fincial literacy to 25(twentyfive)lakh merchanths and 1(one) crock citiziens with the help of 200000 cscs across all 250000 panchyats in the country.the objective is to enable the cscs to become Digital finacial hub

5👉In a computer, any self-contained piece of information that is available to the operating system and individual programs is carred a file can be a document, an image, music or a movie. To keep several files at one place, you create a folder.

6👉A mouse is a pointing device and is used to point to and interact with items on the computer screen. As soon as the mouse is moved, you will notice a small arrow moving on the screen in the same direction as the mouse. This arrow is called the pointer

7👉Bharat interface for money (BHIM) provides fast , secure reliable medium to make digital payments through your mobile phone using UPI (Unified Payment Interface) plateform via Mobile app and USSD ( Unstructured Supplementary Service Data ) plateform via *99# service. BHIM  is interoperable with other Unified Payment Interface( UPI ) applications, and bank accounts.

8👉A computer is an elctronuc device that manipulates  information, or data. It has the ability to store , retrieve , and process data . You may alredy know that youcan use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the web

9👉India is adeveloping economy with focus on achieving substainabledevelopment . to achive substainable development, it is important that all selctions of the society get equal opportuniity and participate in nation building . lack of awarness of digital financial literacy, especially among the rural population is amajor challenge

10👉Mobile broadband Technology,Also called Wireless Wide Area Network 
(WWAN)technology,Provides Mobile Internet Connectivity.To Use Mobile Broadband,You need a Data card And A Data Plan With A Mobile Broadband Provider. After You Get Your Device and Data Plan, Make Sure You Activate Your Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) And The Mobile Broadband Service For The SIM.

11👉Banking card offer consumer more security, and control than any other paymant method. The wide varity of card available-including credit,debit,debit and prepaid -offers enormous flexibility. as well. These cards provide 2 factor authentication for secure payments,e.g secure PIN and OTP.

12👉Mobile banking is aservice provided by a bank or otherfinancial institution that allows its customer to conduct diufferent types of financial tranjections remotly using a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet. it uses softwere, uselly called an app, provided by bank or financial instructionfoir the purpose.

13👉Computers are used to control large and smoll machines which in the past were controlled by humans.they are also in homes. where they are used for things such as listening to music,reading the news and writing, moderm computers are electronic computer haedware.

14👉PMG DISHA is scheme to make six crore persons in rural areas. across Statem /UTs. digitally literate. The Scheme would empower the citizen in rural areas by training then to operate com or  digital access devices.send and receive e-mail.Browse Internet accss Govermment service undertake digital payment .etc.

15👉pharmatutor computer are used to the control leg large and small machines which in the post where controlled by humans they are also in homes where the are used to the things such as listing to music reading the news and writing modern computer are electronic computer hardware

16👉Pardhan Mantri Gramin digital Saksharta Abhiyan is the scheme to make six crore person in rural areas. The scheme world empower the citizens in rural areas by training team to operate computer or digital access device, send and receive e-mail, browser internet, access government service, search for information,undertake  digital payment etc. and hence enable them to use the information technology and the related applications.

17👉internet internet banking also now as online banking e-banking or wet vertical banking is an electronic payment system that enables customer of a bank or other financial station to conduct a range of financial transaction through the financial institution website different type or NEFT RTGS IPS

18-The Digital India programme is a flaship programme of the Govermment of India with a vision to transform India info a digital empowered society and knowledge economy 'Facaless paperiess Cashiss 'is one of profwssed role of Digital India.

19👉electronic mail( email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging message between people using electronic devices stop email first in trade SAB channel used in the 1960 as and by the meat 1970 is had taken the from now reject a Gmail email operators about computer networks full stop which today is permanently the internet


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